© 2019 by Companies in Motion.
The Challenge
This executive team had the opportunity to be more than the sum of its parts – to make better use of its collective skills – to enhance innovation. In order to help foster creativity, the Chief Executive Officer identified the need to challenge the team’s traditional affiliative style and increase its comfort level with constructive dissent, viewing it positively.
The Approach
Physical Intelligence techniques were used to address collaboration and innovation and challenge silo’ed thinking/protectionism. Participants were introduced to posture and breathing techniques to achieve low cortisol and alert relaxation, essential for innovation and to develop the mental strength and clarity to manage their threat response in the midst of innovation – linking their mindset to physicality. They learned what types of movements support convergent vs. divergent thinking and how to relax their minds to foster creative connections. As a team, they collaborated on an exercise designed to promote divergent thinking and constructive dissent and learned how to counteract negative bias. They also learned the importance of networks and social intelligence as opposed to silo’ed thinking to create an environment that fosters the ongoing exchange of ideas.
The Physical Intelligence group session was followed by one-on-one coaching on the use of physical intelligence techniques to reinforce the core concepts introduced during the group session and provide individual support tailored to each team member.
Within only weeks of the training, it was clear that the team was working together better and interacting in a more effective way. Each individual’s performance and level of confidence had clearly improved. Within months, operating results had increased, feedback from clients had improved, and the team had received excellent feedback from regulators. In addition, because executive team members were more empowered, they, in turn, more effectively empowered their teams, freeing up more time for the executive team to work on strategic planning vs. tactics. As new individuals have joined the team, they have recognized and commented positively on the open collaboration and constructive approach the team takes and its comfort level with challenging each other’s thinking. On a personal level, the physical intelligence training had also positively impacted the personal life for many team members, enabling them to more effectively manage their professional and personal lives.
The Challenge
This executive team had the opportunity to be more than the sum of its parts – to make better use of its collective skills – to enhance innovation. In order to help foster creativity, the Chief Executive Officer identified the need to challenge the team’s traditional affiliative style and increase its comfort level with constructive dissent, viewing it positively.
The Approach
Physical Intelligence techniques were used to address collaboration and innovation and challenge silo’ed thinking/protectionism. Participants were introduced to posture and breathing techniques to achieve low cortisol and alert relaxation, essential for innovation and to develop the mental strength and clarity to manage their threat response in the midst of innovation – linking their mindset to physicality. They learned what types of movements support convergent vs. divergent thinking and how to relax their minds to foster creative connections. As a team, they collaborated on an exercise designed to promote divergent thinking and constructive dissent and learned how to counteract negative bias. They also learned the importance of networks and social intelligence as opposed to silo’ed thinking to create an environment that fosters the ongoing exchange of ideas.
The Physical Intelligence group session was followed by one-on-one coaching on the use of physical intelligence techniques to reinforce the core concepts introduced during the group session and provide individual support tailored to each team member.
Within only weeks of the training, it was clear that the team was working together better and interacting in a more effective way. Each individual’s performance and level of confidence had clearly improved. Within months, operating results had increased, feedback from clients had improved, and the team had received excellent feedback from regulators. In addition, because executive team members were more empowered, they, in turn, more effectively empowered their teams, freeing up more time for the executive team to work on strategic planning vs. tactics. As new individuals have joined the team, they have recognized and commented positively on the open collaboration and constructive approach the team takes and its comfort level with challenging each other’s thinking. On a personal level, the physical intelligence training had also positively impacted the personal life for many team members, enabling them to more effectively manage their professional and personal lives.

Powered by Companies in Motion

Physical Intelligence Fuels
Peak Performance
In our personal lives, in today's business environment, and in society in general, our performance is increasingly challenged by an accelerated pace, demands for increased capacity, limited resources, and higher expectations.
We all know that we're living in a time of unprecedented change – according to McKinsey Global Institute, the current rate of change is 10x that of the Industrial revolution and 300x the scale. What many people don't know is that human beings are not evolving as quickly as the pace of change, leaving many of us feeling overwhelmed, threatened and stressed. Most of us have not been trained to cope with the change around us. For example, stress was the number one symptom Googled in 2018 and according to the World Health Organization, in the last 45 years suicide rates have increased by 60% worldwide with rates among young people increasing to such an extent that they are now the group at highest risk in a third of all countries. Even something less dire like developing a new skillset to remain relevant at work can cause strain.
Knowledge and technical skills are not enough for us to cope with and sustain current levels of success, let alone exceed them. To not just survive but to thrive in this environment, we need to be more robust and resilient, agile and innovative, collaborative and competitive – corporate athletes, running our own personal marathons and corporate artists, approaching challenge and change with creativity and innovation.
We need a revolution in the workplace and in our home lives. We need a transformation in productivity.
We need Physical Intelligence.
Physical Intelligence gives us clarity of thought and enables us to build our capacity – preparing us to excel in difficult and competitive environments – navigating challenges and effectively leading ourselves and others through important and uncertain situations -- through managing our physical chemistry – our own "winning cocktail."
For example: it has been clearly established that we are 45 per cent more likely to have a high-quality, innovative idea when we are walking as opposed to when seated; we also know that an open and expansive body posture improves our confidence and risk tolerance; and paced breathing technique can increase cognitive function by a staggering 62%. Over 100 studies show that physical exercise improves our intelligence, including IQ levels and task efficiency.
These techniques work. Not only do we use them ourselves, countless people we have coached and trained have transformed their personal and professional lives through the effective use of Physical Intelligence. One client team in the pharmaceutical industry achieved a 12.5 percent increase in profit margin after just three months of practising Physical Intelligence techniques and with our help, a technology company achieved double-digit revenue growth in the midst of the last recession. A financial services company credits Physical Intelligence with increasing its operating efficiency, improving customer and employee satisfaction scores and generating better feedback from regulators. Physical Intelligence has been proven time and again to power our performance.
Based on that and much more evidence, we know that Physical Intelligence not only sits alongside, but underpins our cognitive and emotional intelligence. Physical Intelligence is THE human intelligence for the 21st century.